Monday, March 27, 2017

Post #3 (Steps)

What Are The Steps In Creating A Blog?

The steps needed to make a blog are:

1.Go on
2.Find what the blog will be about
3.Make a welcoming post for your veiwers
4.Share all of your information on your focus topic
5.Enjoy blogging

Post #2 (Purpose)

What Is The Purpose Of A Blog?

The purpose of a blog is to share your idea's on a topic such as gaming,cooking,and more.You can also make a personal blog that can be like your diary but you can make it private or public.

Post #1 (Elements)

What Are Elements Of Blog?

The 5 elements of a blog are...

Monday, March 20, 2017


Greeting and welcome to my blog.Here I will show you a couple of work I have done in my classes.I will like you to read and enjoy my work. Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy your day.

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